Tuesday, August 09, 2005

My, what skinny boobs you have.

New stats:

Bust: 40 (down 2 inches!!)
Waist: 33 (down 1 more inch)
Hips: 38 (still the same; I'm not sure this number will be able to go any smaller, especially after birthin' a baby)

So at least my top and bottom are a LITTLE more in proportion, although there is NO WAY I'll ever be able to get my waist small enough to achieve the "hourglass figure" effect (yes, I remember Renee posting that only a small percentage of women actually have that shape anyway). This is why I usually buy men's jeans; because I've NEVER had a really defined waist, even in my skinny days. I've always been narrow-hipped and my torso has always had more of a straight line--which is why guy's jeans fit me better.

As you were.


Jen said...

LOLOL, um...NO. My waist would have to be, like, 10 inches smaller. But thanks.

keesh said...

You still got bigger ta ta's than I have, BITCH :). And yeah, the hips thing, mine will never be the same, My jean size is bigger than before I got pregnant, but my weight size is about the same, so it just changes your anatomy to be preggers.

Anonymous said...

my return may be imminent. i' debating.

this is rob.

Jen said...

(Return of the Mack) it is
(Return of the Mack) come on
(Return of the Mack) oh my God
(You know that I'll be back) here I am
(Return of the Mack) once again
(Return of the Mack) pump up the world
(Return of the Mack) watch my flow
(You know that I'll be back) here I go

Jen said...

It's a SONG, Anna. Return of the Mack....oh, never mind.