Thursday, July 31, 2008

My new address

I wanted to make sure you all have my updated information:

Cardboard box on the beach
Ft Myers, FL

...I just filled my new prescriptions (and refilled some old ones). It came to $100. The Abilify alone was $60 (WITH insurance). If the Abilify works out, I'm going to register for the mail-order program where you get a three-month supply for the price of one refill. That would make the cost would be much more reasonable. But for right now: it's EXPENSIVE to be nutty, yo.

(Channeling Carrie Bradshaw): I can't help but there a market for crazy hookers?

PS--sorry to keep cracking "crazy jokes," but you all know that's how I handle the shitty stuff. If I didn't laugh about it, I'd be sad.

Or happy. Or sad. Or happy....



Jen said...

I'm on so many meds now that I broke down and bought one of those old-people daily pill box things. It's especially tricky right now cuz I'm weaning off of one and increasing another for the next couple of weeks and this helps me to keep them straight.

BTW, Brandi, I think the Abilify is starting to kick in (I've been using samples for the lsat couple of weeks). I'm starting to feel somewhat more normal. I even went to bed at 1 am! That's the earliest I've gone to sleep in 2, 3 weeks. (Granted, I'm also back up at 3:15, but I'm going back to bed.)

Renee said...

LOL. I'm glad you got all your rx filled and that the Abilify seems to be doing something for you! Keep us informed, yo.

Anonymous said...

So how come you get mad when *I* do it?

Jen said...

I get mad cuz everytime I get mad at you, you tell me to "go take your meds."

I hate to tell you, Mommy Dearest, but sometimes you just piss me off. That's not the crazy talking. The meds make me sane, not perfect.


Jen said...

Wow. There's someone who reads this blog who doesn't drink?? i thought that this blog attracted a certain type of person. I wonder who that is.

Anonymous said...

age 14 !!party at angela's!! don't remember much, stuff i recall is BAAAADDDD! still have a wierd fear of indians on mopeds...... for some reason. drinky no good for me.

Renee said...

Hahahahahahaha! I was gonna guess you, Lisa. Did the Indian have like a headdress and everything? LOL.

Nik said...

Hey Jen, at least you'll stay warm whilst living in the cardboard box. Bonus, right? I love the crazy jokes, you gotta deal with this in whatever way you need to and we get to laugh at your humor. I can't believe your meds are that expensive. Couldn't you have picked a cheaper kind of crazy? Just kidding, don't know if it's okay for us to make jokes at your expense, so if that hurt, I'm sorry. Or wait is it now hurtful that I'm apologizing? Ahhh hell, I'll shut up now.

Nik said...

BTW, what's up with your excessive use of the word yo lately?

Jen said...

Nik: I don't know, yo. It's something I started a while back and now it's stuck.

And no, you're allowed to make fun of me. "A cheaper kind of crazy" was actually funny as hell.

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! Happy or sad - yuo're always hillarious!