Here are some pictures of my room. I realized that if I waited until I was "finished," I'd never, in my entire teaching career, be able to post the pictures. A teacher's room, I'm discovering, is never truly "finished."
Please excuse the boxes and other miscellaneous items laying around in the various shots. (Like the Diet Pepsi on my desk, LOL. I've been LIVING in this room the last few days.)
First day of school is Tuesday; the open house is tomorrow.
I am TERRIFIED (not so much about the open house; it's mostly the first day of school. If I "lose" them that first day, I'm screwed the rest of the year).

My very first teacher desk! Per all my education classes, it's set up at the BACK of the room, so I can watch my little angels as they're working (or not).

A shot of my current desk layout. It's taken at kind of a slant, but there's a center column of desks (4 rows of 3 desks), and then a "wing" of desks slanted of on each side. That way, the desks are still in rows (which Harry Wong suggests at the beginning of the year) but it's also more conducive to group work

The front of my room

The back wall of my room.

The front right corner of my room.

The front left corner of my room, next to the whiteboard (as indicated in an email--no, your eyes are not deceiving you. These posters WERE originally that crooked, LOL, which I didn't realize until I was looking at this picture. They're fixed now).

PS--In that last picture, the bordered area is called the "Parking Lot." Sometimes while you're teaching, students may have questions or comments but after a certain amount of time, you REALLY need to get moving again. The Parking Lot is where students can post their question or comment until the teacher can return to it at the end of class, etc. That way, the teacher can keep the instructional flow going, the student won't forget his/her question and the teacher won't forget to go back and answer/address it later.
It's a wonderful classroom, Jen. I know you're nervous but you will do great tomorrow during the Open House and Tuesday on the first day. Good grief...first day already. So, what's our teacher wearing on her first day?
When i first started someone told me that I shouldn't smile until after Christmas break. I however broke that rule. You will be fine, but don't be afraid to turn the b*&tch on, it works wonders.
Your room looks great, it's so clean.
All this potential is staggering. Your students will be lucky. All this preparation shows caring.
wow, Ms Jen. So proud of looks great. we did a wall of fame for our sales reps at work before. it is a fun incentive! I hope you wont give your students too much homework :).
It looks great and you'll be great too.
Looking good! And, a flat screen panel on your computer, too. Must be nice. :)
Thanks everyone!!
The open house went great, my biggest concern is that I have a student who speaks NO english. None. I already paired her up with a spanish and english speaking student so he can help translate, but no idea how I'm going to grade her, especially when we start writing essays, papers, etc. She'll only be able to write in spanish. we do have a spanish teacher but she'll have a full class load with the various spanish classes, and we have an ESL teacher who will pull her out occasionally for support, but I cant expect her to grade all these assignments. I suppose I can type them into a Word translation program or some kind of software and translate that way....
Very nice room Jen.
How about YOU learning Spanish. How cool would that be to make that student feel like you were trying too and that she was not an outcast because of it.
(And if they talk about you, you will be able to understand)
Good Luck with all. You will do great!
The room looks great and you have some great ideas to work with. The parking lot thing is awesome!!
I'm sure you'll do great and I wish you the best of luck this school year.
I'm digging Lynda's idea of you learning Spanish, it's only gonna help ya in the long run.
Funny that you said that, because I talked to the spanish teacher yesterday about sitting in on her class and taking spanish with the kids. i think I am going to do that, but it wont be too helpful at first, unless this student REALLY likes discussions on colors and numbers (that's what they start out learning, lol)
damn girl, you are in for a ride on the spanish thing. I think they should get you a translator. too bad there wasn't a college/highschool intern who could sit in there and translate for you. But I agree, with Nik and Lynda, very beneficial to have a secondary language. I took 1 year of spanish and seems like all i can remembr is how to say hello and swear. nice huh? :)
Jen...I sent you an email with a suggestion or two. Good luck on this one.
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