Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Flattery will get you everywhere.

I was monitoring the lunch line yesterday (it was right across from the teachers' lounge and most of the kids in line were my 6th graders, so I stopped to talk to them for a moment). As I was standing there, I was absently shaking my Slim Fast.

"What's that, Miss K?" one of the boys asked.

I explained that it was to make me skinny.

"But Miss K," another boy said, "you're ALREADY skinny."

"A.," I said, "you just made my day." I even gave him a half hug before I remembered that middle school boys probably wouldn't be delighted to receive a hug from a teacher in front of their friends. (Remember, I'm used to being around younger kids.)

Well today, I was walking around the room, checking to see how many kids had done their homework from the night before. I passed A's desk and noticed that he hadn't written anything in his geography notebook.

"A," I said sternly (well, somewhat), "why didn't you finish your homework last night?"

He looked at me like a deer caught in the headlights--and then he blurted out what he clearly thought of as his get-out-of-jail-free card: "You're skinny!"

"That's not going to help you here, A.," I told him and handed him a Missing Homework slip.

I had to fight back my smile as I walked away from his desk.


sparkydiva said...

oh, miss jen - you got spammed TWICE!! you should turn on that word recognition helped me out!

Fred said...

Gotta give him credit for trying!

Jen said...

Sparky--I know, but some ppl post on here several times a day; it's just kind of a pain in the ass for them. I may have to, though.

keesh said...

Go Miss K. you rock!!
You bigged boob, skinny waste biznitch :). so proud of you!!

Have you had any feedback from the kids on how they feel about the hurricane? Just curious what kids think.

Jen said...

LOL, trust me, I'm not "skinny."

There was the one boy who asked if we could hold a penny drive for them, but other than that, the kids dont talk about it much (at least not in our classes). We just started a money drive for them yesterday, though, so we'll see how much that brings in.

Jamie Dawn said...

Smart kid. He's learning the ways of the world quickly.

Ralph said...

I bet he thought a statement like like that followed by a hug was worthy of an A in the class.

Tina said...

That is cute, reminds me of those "The Power of 'Thank You'" commercials, lol!

Nik said...

Now, there's a kid who's on his way! That's too cute

Dan said...

This kid already knows how to talk like he is married! Nice post.