Thursday, November 18, 2004

Star Wars Stuff

ok So I went and searched for the new star wars trailer.. And honestly.. I wasnt impressed... I mean I am still going to see it.. But I dont know.. this is the first time I have ever and I mean EVER just looked at a star wars anything and just went "hmmmm".. Check it out.. see what you think.. But if you havent seen Episode 1 or 2 you really prolly wont care *COUGH RENEE AND JEN COUGH* :-P

See it here


Jen said...

I'm surprised Jeff was able to put down Halo 2 long enough to WATCH the SW trailer. ;)

Sorry it looks crappy, babe. (No, I'm not going with you to see it.)

keesh said...

here is a shocker, I have NEVER seen any of the Lord of the Rings, nor have i seen any of the new star wars movies. not since the original stuff anyway. I really am not into that stuff at i strange yet? :).

Jen said...

No Kish, I'm the same way. It was only in the last 2 months or so that I saw the first 2 Star Wars movies.

Jen said...

Nik, did you ever get my birthday card? (Through

Jen said...

Hey, Anna, glad I have someone like you on my side. Thanks for your, um, help.


Jen said...

Nik, Steve didn't get the one I sent him, either. It was through I sent you each one on your birthdays. I'm so sorry that you think I forgot!! I totally didn't!! Happy birthday!!!!!

Jen said...

Wow, I didn't realize that so many of my friends were dorks...I mean, SW fans.
